WMB is a circular economy platform which facilitates the exchange of waste that has a potential for further valorization between Belgian companies. WMB contributes to the creation of new synergies and stimulation of local economic activity.

The new branches of circular economy sectors are monitored, listed and their impact is analysed.

Waste Match :

How it works?

A match-making takes place between waste-owning companies and resource-seeking companies.

To access the “waste-resources” catalog follow the link:

Why shall I register?

Platform member companies can:

  • Reduce the often-costly disposal and transportation of their waste
  • Facilitate supply of resources
  • Limit raw material extraction and its impact
  • Develop new value chains thanks to the created ecosystem.

Who can register?

Members can be companies:

  • Regular waste owners
  • Local resource seekers
  • Involved (or not) in the circular economy
  • Small, medium and large, with or without profit
  • Based in Brussels, Wallonia or Flanders.

What can we exchange?

Initially, the priority waste categories will be organic waste and certain toxic waste for which there are no established channels.

The next step is to focus on non-recovered atypical waste. Subsequently, other waste (construction, Horeca, fashion, etc.) will be integrated according to the specific demands of the users of the ecosystem.

Please suggest to us by email a new waste/value chain you would like to exchange.

The objectives of the platform


Promote the circular economy by facilitating the sourcing of waste-resources between local actors.

You own waste:

  • Create a product sheet on the available material with information on the type of material (organic / sanitary waste, recoverable hazardous waste, such as cigarette butts, etc.), their location, quantity, date of availability and price if necessary
  • Browse material requests posted by resource seekers.

You are a resource seeker:

  • Browse material offerings posted by resource owners.

  • Create a product sheet on the type of material you are looking for.

Circular economy news

News from circular economy players and waste-resource exchanges in Brussels

The 10 key dates of the Waste Match Belgium

25 Oct, 2022

10 challenges related to waste management for businesses

25 Oct, 2022

10 challenges related to waste management for businesses


In the previous article, we talked about identifying the challenge associated with the collection of atypical waste. Today, we would like to tell you more about it from the point of view of waste seekers and owners (the users of our platform).

But actually, what do we mean by it?
A waste seeker is a company that uses waste from other companies in its production processes.

A waste owner is a business that has waste for which it has no clear purpose, but it would like to find another business to recycle it.
All companies have different challenges depending on their sector of operations, type of waste, size or location but here is a summary of the most common challenges they face :

The 5 challenges for waste seekers:

  1. The decentralisation of waste in terms of location and types of industry.
  2. Legislation: end-of-waste status, hygiene standards, etc.
  3. Logistics (transport, storage, coordination, etc.).
  4. The lack of information available on the location of waste.
  5. The level of uncertainty about the availability and condition of the available waste.

The 5 challenges for waste owners:

  1. The cost to dispose of waste.
  2. The city which manages disposal of waste, therefore intermediaries to manage.
  3. The lack of known outlets/waste-valorising companies for atypical waste.
  4. The specific storage conditions of the different materials.
  5. The cost and organization of transport.

The 10 key dates of the Waste Match Belgium


Here we are! The launch date of the Waste Match Belgium platform is approaching and that is why we chose to take a look at the long road taken by the Waste Match Belgium team.

01/2021: meeting of the funders of Waste Match Belgium during the Greenlab accelerator programme

02/2021: decision to collaborate and identification of the challenge: collection of atypical waste for companies and citizens

03/2021: decision to separate the sesitivisation part for citizens, namely Collecteurs Collectifs

04/2021: receiving the SmartCity subsidy and launch of the project for the business part

07/2021: first feedback from Smart City
09/2021: choosing name: Waste Match Belgium

10/2021: meeting Merciki, our future partner for the development of the platform

02/2022: decision to work with Sense, our future partner for the development of the website

09/2022: launch of the test phase with privileged partners

Et voila! 18 months of work, meetings, exchanges… to finally meet our 2 babies: the website and the platform. They were both ‘born’ in September 2022. This marks the official opening of our services for companies in Brussels, and in Belgium. Welcome to this adventure!

Who are we ?

Discover the funders of the Waste Match Belgium

Audrey Speyer

Audrey Speyer

designer and entrepreneur

Agnieszka Kazimierczuk

Agnieszka Kazimierczuk

Entrepreneur / Manager


Audrey Speyer


Agnieszka Kazimierczuk



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With the support of the Aldermanate for the Smart City of the City of Brussels